Online tools & Resources


When working with students with ADHD, a teacher/educator often needs to quickly create educational material to suit the needs of the students.

We have collected a number of tools for teaching support, classroom accommodation etc. with links to the original resources.


Please do feel free to suggest your own resources by contacting us, so that we can enrich this list and keep it up to date.

NameTypeDescriptionPurpose / UseURLLanguageSourceInstructions for use (if applicable)CostUser-Friendly (Subjective evaluation)Available in many Languages
TimetoastSoftwareTimetoast is a place to make timelines on the web. It can be used to create historical timelines of important events,etc. It is ideal for children with ADHD and the tool can be also used by the children themselves in order to create their own timelines. Teaching Support
ToonDooSoftwareOpen source tool for comic creation. It is easy to use by the teachers in order to make the educational process more suitable for children with learning disabilities but also by the students themselves depending on the level they are.Teaching Support
Livescribe smartpenSoftware & HardwareIt is a tool and actually a pen which captures everything you hear and write by giving you the opportunity to refer to your information as many times as needed. It is a tool for students with ADHD and learning difficulties who have difficulty attending the lesson and taking notes at the same time.Teaching Support$ 204,9 - $$$YesYes
Inspiration SoftwareSoftwareIt is an optical learning tool. It helps in organizing and understanding or memorizing large amounts of information by combining words and concepts with images and graphs.Teaching Support $ 6/monthYesNo
Dragon NaturallySpeakingSoftwareIt transforms the speech into text, thus facilitating students with learning difficulties.Teaching Support
MindomoSoftwareIt is a collaborative mind mapping, concept mapping and outlining tool. It is a good way to understand and learn anything.Teaching Support
Kurzweil (3000)SoftwareIt is an award-winning, research-based, assistive technology tool helping students with learning disabilities, those diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia or other literacy challenges. It gives students with learning difficulties. the possibility of simultaneous acoustic and visual reading of text, the insertion of notes and the marking of the main points with colors.Teaching Support
Text HelpSoftwareIt is an aid for students with ADHD and learning difficulties. Includes visual and acoustic reading, vocal or image dictionaries, MP3 text storage so you can listen wherever it is, and many other useful featuresTeaching Support$1 - $145YesNo
Comfort Contego SystemSoftwareIt is a wireless auxiliary listening device that captures what is said in a lecture, etc. It processes the sound by enhancing the voice of the speaker and reducing the other noises. This system is mostly used by hearing impaired people, but it is also an excellent tool for students with ADHD to be able to focus their attention on the speaker without being disturbed by environmental noises.Teaching Support
Techniques to manage ADHD students: Advice for teachersTextA text that includes 5 sections of practical advice for teachers who have children with ADHD in the classroom.Classroom Accomodation, Teaching Support
Guide to a personalized educational program for students with ADHDTextIt is the official guide for a personalized educational program for students with ADHD. It was issued by the Greek Ministry of Education.Classroom Accomodation, Teaching Support
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS)QuestionnaireIt is a 6-question scale designed to screen for adult ADHD in community samples.Workplace strategies for adult students -
Screen for adult ADHD in community samples
Greek scale of ADHD evaluation (for teachers & parents)Guide &
This is a guide that allows parents and teachers to identify children who may be experiencing the disorder. This guide includes the questionnaire as well as explanations and instructions for its implementation and analysis.ADHD Identification (for teachers and parents)
(Only in English)