In the context of the second output – Quality Assurance Framework for VET for learners with ADHD, some quality principles and indicators for VET providers for ADHD learners have been elaborated on the basis of the needs, challenges and the good practices’ examples collected within the Compendium of good practices in the field of EQAVET implementation in VET for learners (first output), as well on the Partners’ experience.
The Quality Assurance Indicators intend to measure the level of Quality Assurance of VET curricula for ADHD learners in terms of:
– Objectives and goals of the training curricula
– Stakeholders’ involvement
– Professional qualifications
– Assessment and validation process
– Structures for feedback and future improvement.
The Indicators are in line with the European recommendations since they perfectly match the European Quality Indicators in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) framework. Simultaneously, the Quality Indicators are flexible in order to be adopted at national level and hence be tailored to the national Quality Assurance frameworks.
The applied methodology also refers to the Deming Cycle, known as the PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act).
The Quality Assurance Indicators have been particularly relevant for the development of an Online assessment tool[1] for measuring the level of Quality Assurance of VET providers on the basis of the Indicators.
Quality Assurance in ADHD
The specific research conducted witnesses the need for the implementation of a culture of Quality Assurance in the field of Education and Training. Quality assurance in VET is a key priority at EU level to promote increased transparency of VET policy developments between Member States, thereby enhancing mutual trust, mobility of workers and learners, and lifelong learning.
Also on Quality Assurance depends the actual efficiency and success of Vocational Education and Training: the accurate application of Quality Assurance guarantees to VET providers that their educational offer is in line with the needs and the demands of different groups of stakeholders and with the legal framework.
Moreover, the diffusion of a culture of Quality Assurance is a precondition for external evaluation, approval and accreditation especially at European level.
The adoption of a European reference framework for Quality Assurance in VET (EQAVET) aims at transforming the European society into a dynamic, competitive and attractive learning society.
The potential impact of the adoption of a culture of Quality Assurance within ADHD field consists of creating a legitimate environment for Quality Assurance’s reception at both European and National levels, improving and customizing educational systems dedicated to ADHD learners, and facilitating inclusive education through a bottom-up approach.